Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Curiosity: Some photos

First up, some photos I took while wondering Dundee, odd shots of views I don't think many people see. Took them to make the viewer ask themselves 'Where was that taken?'

Can you figure out where these were taken?

Took one more, for two reasons. The first; it's a building under construction, which makes the viewer ask 'What will it look like when it is done?' the second; a personal reason. I have always been curious about cranes. Once they are set up, how do they get them back down?

This particular crane isn't a great example, as I could clearly see it is meant to fold down onto the truck. The cranes I am curious about are the big industrial fuckers that look like this:

I'm not really sure if I actually want to know how they do it, as I quite like having that one question I definately don't know the answer to, a perpetual curiosity, if you will.

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